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Day One - Alice Springs to Santa Teresa

The flight to Alice Springs was pretty uneventful. We landed at 12:40 (Sydney time). From there we collected our luggage and got on the bus headed to Sr Anne and Sr Mary's house for lunch and a chat about indigenous health. They were very welcoming and we gained a better understanding of the significant differences in health between indigenous and non indigenous Australians. We also had the pleasure of meeting their two adorable dogs, Milo and Mulpa (which means "a friend that walks with me"). Sr Anne and Sr Mary provided us with a beautiful roast lunch and ice cream for dessert. They sent us off with full tummies. We returned to the bus and travelled to Woolworths to pick up our food order for our stay in Santa Teresa. There's enough to feed an army! We had to think about how to pack the food to ensure that there was no food casualties. The only spillage was a carton of milk which fell when we got to our destination, sadly all over Eden. Then Sr Liz helped us unpack and stack the fridges full of food, before giving us a briefing about the Santa Teresa community and practices. For example, in the community when someone dies their name is never used again, which means we had to check our names against those who have passed. So when out in the community, Elizabeth will be known as EV and Mrs Monk will be known as J. While we settled in, playing multiple games of mafia, Mrs Monk and Mr Horder cooked us dinner. We had an early night as it had been a very long day!

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