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Day 6 - Santa Teresa

Today was our last full day in Santa Teresa.

Alissa, Sienna, Xandra and Mrs Monk went back to the Community centre to cook . and deliver meals. Mrs Monk learnt how to make scones from Jolene.

Emily, Vanessa and Elizabeth went back to the Creche. At first there were no kids there so Patti got them to work cleaning. Pretty soon the kids started coming in.

Gabby, Olivia and Eden went back to the Spirituality centre while Mr Horder met Peter down at the men's shed - there he had a good yarn with Tommy who lives close to our accommodation and has quite a few dogs.

In the afternoon we finalised our purchases from the Spirituality centre and it was nice to know most of the profits from purchases were going back into the community. Sr Liz wrapped our purchases for travel while Bill did the tallies. These artworks are all original pieces of art and will continue to appreciate in value as they remind us of our time in Santa Teresa. After a quick trip to the Keringke Arts Centre and some time in reflection on the hill looking over the town, a few of us joined the daily mass at 5pm where Fr Prakesh gave us a special blessing for our travels tomorrow.

We thought as our time comes to an end here it would be nice for the students to reflect on what it has meant to them -

"The community here at Santa Teresa is so beautiful - everyone knows each other and has been so welcoming to us as outsiders. What a wonderful experience this has been ... I will particularly remember the many silent yet special moments that allowed me to just stop, not worry, and be awed by the strong culture and world around me" - Emily

"My time in Santa Teresa will not be forgotten any time soon. The atmosphere, laughs and memories have made my trip. A big thanks to all the girls, Mr Horder and Mrs Monk for such an awesome stay in the community. I'd also like to thank Maria, Sharron, Eva and Christina whose kindness, smiles and small talk made my time in Santa Teresa so special and meaningful. I hope to return one day in the future!" - Vanessa

"The time I spent at Santa Teresa was a life changing and eye opening experience that I will never forget. By immersing myself in the culture I was able to gain a greater understanding of the traditional owners of the land and the injustices faced by indigenous communities. The community at Santa Teresa were so welcoming and it was such a privilege to stay with them and learn about their culture. Special thanks to Mr Horder and Mrs Monk for all they have done to make this trip so memorable." - Sienna

"During my stay at Santa Teresa I was able to make some life long memories. By serving the community I was able to understand the injustices which they face each and every . day and was shocked by how happy they remained. The cultural and spiritual significance in the community was truly amazing. I have now built so many new friendships and am so grateful to have the opportunity to be apart of this immersion." Xandra

"Being in Santa Teresa has definitely had an impact on me. Getting to interact and connect with different people in the community has been so enlightening and heartwarming to experience. Everyone in the Santa Teresa community is so welcoming and made my experience all the more worthwhile. This immersion trip has allowed me to experience a different culture and allowed me to . gain a new understanding and respect for all Indigenous Australians where even when times may be hard for them, they manage to always remain positive. All the memories I have made, all the laughs that we have shared have been so special to me and I feel so lucky to have been able to experience this immersion with all those who went, so thank you to Mrs Monk, Mr Horder, all the girls and the Santa Teresa community. This experience definitely won't be forgotten anytime soon!" - Elizabeth

"I felt so privileged to work with the kids at the Creche and speak to the women at both the Spirituality Centre and Creche. Being in the Arrernte Community of Santa Teresa and to have had the opportunity to speak to so many people and understand their stories is something I appreciate so much. I will miss being here but am grateful for the spiritual and cultural aspects that I have experienced her." - Olivia

"The whole experience at Santa Teresa has been a blast. From the very beginning to the end it has been a life changing experience and definitely a massive eye opener towards the Aboriginal culture. During this immersion I was able to bond with the girls and the teachers through the various activities at the creche, community centre and Spirituality Centre that not only allowed me to develop a closer friendship with the girls but also allowed me to broaden my knowledge about the traditional ways of indigenous living. Overall this experience has created so many memories that I will cherish forever and I am so appreciative for this opportunity." - Alissa

"During our stay at Santa Teresa I learnt many valuable lessons about faith, culture and the importance of family. I was lucky enough to connect with many Indigenous people from the community, including Clare, Georgina and Camilla. They shared stories of their family, work and spirituality with me. I was told of the many Arrernte traditions and cultural aspects and found that some aligned with my own Indigenous beliefs. Overall I found the trip to be incredibly enjoyable and enlightening. We were able to share our experiences and stories as a group throughout our stay and share the totally awesome plans Sr Liz organised that made our experience ten times better. I found the atmosphere of Santa Teresa and the positive aura that all members of the community possessed was calming, but it also made me think about the stereotypes that surround Aboriginals and the prejudice that they face. Hearing their struggles and stories filled me with empowerment and the want to act." - Eden

"The time I spent at Santa Teresa was a once in a life time experience. It opened my eyes to the challenges that Aboriginal communities face, but how their connection with their faith and culture gave them strength and courage. Spending time with the cute little 2 year olds at the creche, and talking to the talented artists at the Spirituality Centre, has allowed me to develop my understanding and appreciation of Indigenous culture and tradition. I am extremely grateful for this amazing immersion experience at Santa Teresa to learn the spiritual and cultural significance within the community. A huge thanks to Mr Horder and Mrs Monk for the organisation of this immersion to allow us to get the most out of it." - Gabby.

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